It happens to all of us.. And yesterday I was having one of those moments as I was about to freak out. I felt so stressed as my head was filled to do -lists. I felt annoyed and I snapped at my family. Also, lately I have had difficulties in falling asleep although I feel tired and what fears me the most is that I will lose my hair, as I have been ripping my hair out of my head when I sleep 😟 Accordingly, I decided that it is time to slow down. This means that I have to concentrate on my English courses, work and family. But as my motto is "Listen to your body" I will listen to it and after my courses are finished (at the end of March), I will have more time to create content here and be creative. The best of my posts will come up when I have rested well and had good work outs 💗 Below are my tips what to do when you are feeling stressed. When stressed out Go for a walk in the forest. Fresh air and trees decrease my blood pressure. I believe that Nature will heal ever...