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Showing posts from August, 2018

8 Tips to Improve Your Health

Although I hate to admit it, fall is coming and summer will soon be behind us. But if you think positively,  fall is a great time to check your healthy habits and acquire new ones. Here are my 8 Tips how to improve your well being in this fall. 1.Consume less coffee or stop drinking it completely I did this again when my work started. During the summer time I enjoyed coffee maybe four times per weeks and in some weeks even every day. As school started I cut down coffee entirely and as a result my sleep has been soooo good. I wake up feeling refreshed and most importantly I don´t wake up during the night. Here is my dedicated post about  How I quit drinking coffee and it changed my life . 2. Reduce the amount of sugar you eat Needless to say sugar is aging us and giving a lot of troubles to our bodies. I wrote about the harmful effects of sugar in  here . 3. Drink one juice per day By this I don´t mean orange juice or apple juices sold in the store....

Avoid these 2 Things and Your Health Will Improve Tremendously

As I have been studying nutrition even further, I have noticed certain recommendations in many researches or common factors in healthy diets. So I came up with a post relating to two things people should avoid the most in order to improve their health. In this post I will share these with you. Let’s jump right to it, shall we? Number 1: Sugar and Processed Food Needless to say if you consume excess amounts of sugar it will cause a lot of problems in your body. The excess sugar will make your insulin levels spike which will have an effect on your pancreas. As your pancreas will have to produce more and more insulin, it will result to the fact that the insulin will loose its effect. Your system is overwhelmed with all the excess insulin and over time insulin cannot make it to feed your cells. This will lead to insulin resistance and eventually you will need medication. In addition, your body’s hormone systems will be disturbed. Your cortisol levels will rise which will lead to e...

Health Tips for Women Over 25

Once you hit your thirties, you will see that weight loss and recovery is not that easy as it used to be when you were on your twenties. When you age, your body will age too. However, this doesn't meant that you couldn't be fit in thirties, forties or even in your fifties! I think I am fitter and healthier than I was the year before and now I'm in my thirties..But of course there are certain factors you need to bear in mind when you workout as you get older. Below are some facts and tips how to stay healthy and young as you hit your thirties. 1.First let's face it: your body will age. This means that your recovery is slower and it takes more time. All the more reason to invest in your recovery : get enough sleep, have adequate rest days and eat nutrient dense food. These three areas are the most important things to take care of if you want to develop and get fitter. I have noticed that especially taking more rest days than before is crucial for developing my aerobi...