1.Consume less coffee or stop drinking it completely
I did this again when my work started. During the summer time I enjoyed coffee maybe four times per weeks and in some weeks even every day. As school started I cut down coffee entirely and as a result my sleep has been soooo good. I wake up feeling refreshed and most importantly I don´t wake up during the night. Here is my dedicated post about How I quit drinking coffee and it changed my life.
2. Reduce the amount of sugar you eat
Needless to say sugar is aging us and giving a lot of troubles to our bodies. I wrote about the harmful effects of sugar in here.
3. Drink one juice per day
By this I don´t mean orange juice or apple juices sold in the store. Instead drink your own juices. Juicing is a great way to hydrate your body and give your body nutrients. Juices are good supplements for coffee and tea. Too much caffeine is never a good thing. By owning your own juicer you can make the kind of drink you want at the moment. If you crave something fresh and green, make a juice from cucumber, avocado and lemon. If you crave something sweet, try making a juice from pine apple and orange. Now when the apples are ripe, try to make apple juice. My son loves this!
4. Fast 12 hours each night
If you want to try just one thing to lose weight, try the 12 hour rule. This means that you will have 12 hour break between your dinner and breakfast. Read more here.
5. Go to bed half an hour earlier each day
This is easy to apply to your life. Commit to this and you will wake up feeling more energetic. Try for one week. That´s all! Click here my other tips how to improve your sleep.
6. Be more grateful
There have been a lot of studies which indicate that people who are grateful are the happiest people. Write a gratitude journal. Tips for that in this post.
7. Get yourself a hobby
It is very important to have meaningful things in life besides work and home. It can be anything you love to do. Find enough time to do what YOU actually want to do. If it is a hobby which will move your body then you will get even more health benefits.
8.Laugh more
When is the last time you laughed so hard it made your belly hurt? If you cannot remember, maybe it´s time to start laughing more. Laughter is the best therapy. Laughter decreases stress hormones and improves your body´s resistance to disease.
Lastly a bonus tip:
learn how to eat healthy food in your everyday life. Now is the right time to ditch sugar and processed foods and invest in your own health! Have you checked my Nutrition Packages or Workout Plans? All my packages are now for sale, Healthy Eating Basic for 19€ and Fit for Life Basic 19 €.
learn how to eat healthy food in your everyday life. Now is the right time to ditch sugar and processed foods and invest in your own health! Have you checked my Nutrition Packages or Workout Plans? All my packages are now for sale, Healthy Eating Basic for 19€ and Fit for Life Basic 19 €.
Previous post:What´s up in my life right now
All the best,
Coming up in this blog:
đź’— How to Stay Young & Healthy
đź’— How to Gain Permanent Weight Loss
đź’— Tips How to Improve Your Health
đź’— How to Lose the Last few Pounds
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