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Showing posts from January, 2018

Smoothie Recipes

Smoothies or smoothie bowls are really popular nowadays and I can see the reason why: they are quick and easy to prepare and by consuming them you can add nutritional value to your day. Here’s a post to you about my favorite smoothies. Strawberry bliss Strawberries 1 frozen banana Water Protein powder * For some extra nutritional value you can add Maca powder * and Green powder *. Sweet Red Frozen lingonberries A cup of spinach Sunflower seeds Frozen banana Protein powder * Water (Maca powder, Green powder) Power Punch Blackcurrants A cup of Basil leaves Frozen banana Protein powder * Sunflower seeds Water Fresh and Sweet (includes dairy) 2dl quark Blueberries/raspberries Frozen banana Water Protein powder * I personally use just water as a liquid because I don’t use dairy or don’t want to waste my money on almond milk or oat milk. Water will just do the same trick! You can vary your smoothies by u

11 Tips How to Optimize Your Recovery

The basic factors in general well-being are sleep, exercise, rest and food. Thus, what makes a fitness or wellness program successful is the relationship between rest and active days. In an optimized wellness or fitness program rest and recovery has a significant role. In fact, all the development happens when your body and muscles have enough time to recover from exercises. So as you start to exercise more and regularly it is important to remember to schedule enough rest days and rest weeks to your work out plans. For some people, like me, who get too excited about sports and working out in general, adding recovery weeks in every 6-7 weeks will ensure that you will not end up having OTS (Overtraining Syndrome).  What is OTS?  It is a severe condition you could acquire if you train too hard, too often and have little recovery. Over-training can cause sleep problems, weight gain, cravings and poor immune system functions. Top coaches and personal trainers know that the se

9 Tips How to Improve Your Sleep at Night

We have all been in there: tossing and turning at night because you can't fall asleep. Many things, even the most insignificant things are on your mind and no matter how you try not to pay attention to these thoughts they distract you from falling into sleep. I can easily relate to this. I have always been a "bad sleeper" whatever the term suggests.. However, within past few years I have studied about how to improve my sleep at night and I have made some progress. Before my sleeping habits were somewhat following:  On workdays I went to bed at 10 or 11 pm. My evening routines were like this: coming home from practice around 8 pm, having dinner, going to the shower and watching TV until 10 pm, sometimes even later. During the weekends I stayed up late: went to bed around 11 or 12 pm. I slept until 10 or 11 am. I didn't try to relax myself more in the evenings and especially on Sundays I felt anxious to go to bed around 9 or 10pm because I wasn't tired and

13 Tips How to Flatten Your Belly

"Abs are made in the kitchen" is a common sentence you hear nowadays and I couldn't agree more.  Having said that, exercise and working out is also very important if you want to have a flat belly. By exercising you will make sure that your metabolism keeps on going through the day. However, in this post I will present you tips in how to shrink your tummy in the kitchen. Flat belly tips: Number one rule is to eat regularly and enough so you will manage your cravings. It is so much easier to resist temptations when you are not hungry. You have to give up all sugary sweets, on the exception on your cheat meal- days or other time when you allow yourself something "unhealthy". Chew your food properly in order to have better digested food. Undigested food can cause bloating and we don't want that. Moreover, this way you will have to eat slower so you will be able to notice when you are actually full. Speaking of bloating, avoid foo

Detox-series (Part 6): 10 Tips to Detoxify Your Body

This is the last part of my detox-series. It is a known fact that people crave for definite tips and advise how to live healthier and how to detoxify your body. But since our bodies biochemistry is different, it is not always possible to apply general principles to each person's health or to give definite answers. Therefore it is best to pay attention to our surroundings, the way we live and what our bodies are telling us. Having said that, there are some general principles that apply to everyone: feeling healthy is about having energy, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, sleeping well and most importantly being in a positive frame of mind. In addition, exercising regularly and adopting a non-toxic lifestyle backs up good health. One more thing about chemicals. As you know they are not doing any good in our systems, in fact, they are harming our bodies and are preventing our bodies from detoxifying properly. In this case our bodies are forced to fight just to stay healthy a

Detox-series (Part 5): 9 Healthy Snack Ideas + Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe

It's time for some advice relating to eating healthy and detoxifying your body. But first, hands up: who doesn't crave for something sweet in the afternoons? Next time when this craving hits you, instead of grabbing a chocolate bar, remember that there are so much better and healthier options. Most of my snack ideas are based on organic fruits because by eating organic, your body will get minerals and fibers which will help in the removal of toxins from your body. Healthy snacks:  Cherry tomatoes Carrot sticks Raw chocolate * Berries with  protein pancake * organic fruits, such as orange and apple slices Banana bread (recipe here ) Rice cakes with almond, Himalayan pink salt, pepper and garlic or with peanut butter and banana slices. Greek yogurt with fresh or dried fruits and berries. Strawberry-avocado ice cream. Strawberry-avocado ice cream 1 avocado (organic) 1/2 lemon (organic) 2 cups of frozen strawberries 1 tbsp honey (organ

Detox -series (3):Preservatives and Pesticides -How Harmful are They?

We all know that preservatives are chemicals which are added to foods to spot them from spoiling. But what most of us don't know is that some preservatives can cause reactions to sensitive people with symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, stomach aches even breathing difficulties. I am one of those sensitive people. I realized this after I had paid attention to avoid preservatives and then added some of those into my diet. On a daily basis I try to maintain a diet which doesn't include a lot of preservatives. The more you study about these, the more difficult it is to avoid them completely because food industry puts them in almost everywhere: cans, cereals, milk, almond milk, ready-to eat meals, bread, soft drinks, cheese, margarine, dried fruits, wine, you name it. However, making vegetables, seeds and fruits the main part of your diet and adding meat, fish, chicken and whole grains you can accomplish a lot. Back to my own experiences with preservatives. I used to c

Detox- series: Part 2 Sweat the Small Stuff

Exercise and sweating are effective means of eliminating toxic chemicals from your body. That is why I encourage you to sweat as much as possible with this body-weight training workout ☺ After completing this workout you will feel fresh, energetic and ready to be a healthier version of you, I guarantee it! First start with a warm-up. Then start doing the movements. Altogether you will have 10 rounds of each movements.  In the first round you will do each exercise for 10 repetitions. After this you can take a 1 minute break. Then do round 2 with 9 reps with each movement. Rest for 1 minute and repeat movements but this time only for 8 reps. And so on you continue until you have only 1 reps left. Remember to cool down for 5-10 minutes. Burpees Push-ups Walking lunges Superman back extensions Lunge matrix Start with a squat position and then take a step back and cross. Crunches Jumping squats  Jump up from squat position.

Detox- Series: Part 1: 5 Tips How to Lose Weight

Here comes the first post of my detox- series. Everyone knows that detoxification means getting rid of harmful toxins in your body. What people usually don't know is that losing weight is one mean to do this because toxins, such as synthetic chemicals build up in fatty tissue. So as you lose weight, you feel better and be more energised because toxins are being removed from your body as they will lose their living space as the amount of fatty tissue decreases in your body. Thus the topic of this post is weight loss as I know it is a popular topic after New Year. It is easy to make up your mind and start a new project when the year changes and you have indulged during the holidays. However, there have been researches that many New Year's resolutions don't last so I hope that for you, if you have decided to lose weight, this isn't the case. Having said that I love "fresh starts" and new beginnings so I want to share my tips about weight loss..  5 tips how