Exercise and sweating are effective means of eliminating toxic chemicals from your body. That is why I encourage you to sweat as much as possible with this body-weight training workout ☺ After completing this workout you will feel fresh, energetic and ready to be a healthier version of you, I guarantee it!
First start with a warm-up. Then start doing the movements. Altogether you will have 10 rounds of each movements. In the first round you will do each exercise for 10 repetitions. After this you can take a 1 minute break. Then do round 2 with 9 reps with each movement. Rest for 1 minute and repeat movements but this time only for 8 reps. And so on you continue until you have only 1 reps left. Remember to cool down for 5-10 minutes.
Walking lunges
Superman back extensions
Lunge matrix
Start with a squat position and then take a step back and cross.
Jumping squats
Jump up from squat position.
Stay tuned for detox-series part 3 which is coming up next week!
Have a nice sweaty session,
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