It's time for some advice relating to eating healthy and detoxifying your body. But first, hands up: who doesn't crave for something sweet in the afternoons? Next time when this craving hits you, instead of grabbing a chocolate bar, remember that there are so much better and healthier options. Most of my snack ideas are based on organic fruits because by eating organic, your body will get minerals and fibers which will help in the removal of toxins from your body.

Healthy snacks:
- Cherry tomatoes
- Carrot sticks
- Raw chocolate
- Berries with protein pancake
- organic fruits, such as orange and apple slices
- Banana bread (recipe here)
- Rice cakes with almond, Himalayan pink salt, pepper and garlic or with peanut butter and banana slices.
- Greek yogurt with fresh or dried fruits and berries.
- Strawberry-avocado ice cream.
Strawberry-avocado ice cream
1 avocado (organic)
1/2 lemon (organic)
2 cups of frozen strawberries
1 tbsp honey (organic)
Put all of the ingredients into a mixer. Enjoy 👄
Until the next post (10 tips to detoxify your body),
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Read more:
💗 detox-series (3): preservatives and pesticides: how harmful are they?
💗detox series (4): abs workout &8 tips for weight loss
💗detox series (4): abs workout &8 tips for weight loss
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