Here are my reasons for blogging:
- To be inspired. Initially I started this because I wanted to share my knowledge and inspire people to make small, healthy choices in their lives. As I started to create texts, I found myself being inspired. There's so much to learn and so many positive things out there if you just focus on that, your life will change into better! I have had this idea of being a blogger so many times in my head, mainly because I love reading blogs, but there wasn't a right time to start writing. However, as I was recovering from pneumonia, I had a lot of time to think what I want in my life and what kind of life I want to live. I realized the right time is NOW.
- To learn. I am the kind of person who loves studying new stuff and I´m all about learning in life! Writing is a field which I am really interested right now because you learn as you go. Last summer I was writing my Master's thesis and this writing kind of took me along. I know I have a lot to learn but I am very ambitious and driven to be better at it.
- To inspire.For quite a while I have had this small fire burning inside me that I want to do something else than just be a teacher. During the last years I have started reading more and more about health science and the field has intrigued me intensely. I think this small fire has grown and I have found my passion in blogging and exploring health science. I want to do good and help others feeling better. I want to encourage and inspire people to live a healthy and active life. This healthy life style which I have obeyed many years has given me so much. I believe that in order to receive good you need to give good. So my plan is to invest my time in this blog, especially when my University courses are finished. I have so many great ideas awaiting to be published!
- To help others. In addition to the above, there's so much negativity in life and I want to focus on positivity. This blog is all about finding the balance and being positive. By making right choices you can change your life. You are the one who holds the key to everything. Start now.
- To share my ideas. I want to give you an insight into my world: how do I keep myself fit? What types of food to eat to stay healthy? What am I obsessed right now? Also I want to write about new health researches and topics which interests me: How to stay happy and grateful when life offers you lemons?
- To share my love for exercise. I confess, I am an exercise-addict. Training and exercising has always been a HUGE part of my life. It has offered me guidance, helped me tough times, given me confidence, given me positivity and given me the feeling that I can accomplish everything that I want in life! If I cannot exercise in a long time, I'll literally go crazy. But that's just who I am.
Lots of love,
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